Despite the Schweitzer’s base village intimate size, it offers several choice options—which is great to know if you’re staying in Schweitzer resort proper. Of course, Sandpoint offers tons of dining options from tasty Mexican (Joel’s Mexican Food) to hearty pub fare and affordable—and delicious—pizza joints (The Pie Hut and Second Avenue Pizza) to a couple of eclectic, contemporary finer experiences (La Rosa Club) for the gourmet ski vacationer. Below you’ll find’s top Schweitzer dining picks.
•Grab a foodie-worthy sandwhich at Gourmandie.
•For laid back pub food head to Pucci’s Pub, located in the White Pine Lodge.
•Gourmet pizza can be had at Sam’s Alley, or more traditional-style slices at Powder Hound Pizza, located in the Lazier Center.
•Specialty breakfast and snack items abound at Mojo Coyote Café, located in the Selkirk Lodge.
•For a high-quality, well-versed menu head to Chimney Rock Grill, located in the Selkirk Lodge.
To learn more about Schweitzer dining call, or chat with, one of’s knowledgeable Mountain Vacation Specialists.